Agent Spotlight: Emily Ahlering

Tell us a little bit about your path to becoming a realtor.

I was born in German Village but my family moved out to Delaware when I was three years old. After graduating from Columbus School for Girls, I got my undergraduate degree at Miami of Ohio.

 After spending a few years in hospitality and sales in Chicago, I knew I was meant to be in a business in which I could ultimately make my own path. My parents both started their own businesses in their early 30’s which instilled an entrepreneurial spirit in me from a young age.  

I got my license in 2015 and was a broker on a top producing team in Chicago from 2015-2022. When we moved back to Columbus, I joined Vutech | Ruff of Cutler Real Estate.

Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What do you want to be when you grow up? 

I have always been drawn to beautiful things and spaces. I think I would have said something in the fashion world at that age. I did an internship with Victoria’s Secret in Columbus and various retail experiences in Chicago after college. Ultimately, I found real estate to be the perfect marriage of design and being able to help people find the home and lifestyle that suits their personal needs.

Why did you choose to become a realtor? 

I grew up listening to my mom, Marilyn, on the phone with clients as we made the drive from our house to CSG, which was a trek! Real estate was part of the dinner conversation, and I learned a lot about the business through listening and observing at a young age.

What’s your favorite thing about living in Central Ohio? 

I love the people and how easily accessible everything is. I grew up in a family that was always driving all over town for various reasons. We have our favorite baker in Worthington, market in Upper Arlington, coffee in German Village…the list goes on. I love that it’s easy to be anywhere I need to be in a reasonable amount of time. With that said, I also welcome the growth we are experiencing and expecting in central Ohio. Having OSU as a hub here brings together a mixture of diverse thinkers and educators. I truly feel lucky to call Columbus home.

What excites you the most about the Central Ohio housing market? 

Columbus is full of unique subdivisions and “mini markets” that all have their own flavors and offerings. I love helping clients navigate what feels right to them. The housing market is dynamic and it’s exciting that every day and client experience is unique.

Describe your typical day for us. 

The only thing typical about my days is that there is nothing typical about them!  A typical week would consist of any combination of popping in and out of the Athletic Club of Columbus, our office in German Village, Pistacia Vera for a coffee, or meeting a client for a showing or a trade for an inspection. My son Will and I also go on various adventures around town. He’s a very active little guy and the more activities for him the better.

What sets Vutech | Ruff, Cuter Real Estate apart from other brokerages? 

Experience. Network. Reputation.

What special skills or talents do you have that others may not know about? 

I have a real passion for decorating and design. I think my eye for it allows me to help clients envision spaces and see themselves in them.

Tell us a little bit about your family. 

I have a son, William, who just turned two years old. My husband Danny is a Chicago native who is a managing partner at Capital Heathcare Properties. My mom, dad, and sister Anna are all real estate agents on the Vutech | Ruff team.

What do you like to do in your spare time? 

We often jump in the car for “adventure walks” and drive somewhere new to explore and walk around. We love to check out new places, parks, and things to do. We spend time with friends and family and enjoy going to the Athletic Club of Columbus, Franklin Park Conservatory, and the Zoo.

What are three things you can’t live without? 

My family, pets, and coffee. 

What do you love about your job? 

I love getting to help and meet new people. The ability to be part of someone’s real estate journey is a privilege. The process is completely different from deal to deal. Different personalities, different homes…I thrive in the challenge of helping the process move as smoothly as possible. I’m also passionate about matching buyers with properties and helping them visualize themselves in the space. On the flip side, there are so many layers to maximizing a home’s value to get a seller top dollar. Helping people make informed, educated decisions is the foundation of what I love about my work.

Agent Spotlight: Jacquie Goumas Fox

Tell Us a little bit about your path to becoming a Realtor:

My parents moved to Ohio when I was a senior in high school. When they were on their house hunting trip I came along and as upset as I was about moving, leaving my friends, etc. That trip stayed with me. I was fascinated with the agent and the process of looking at homes as I had never moved before. I went off to college and after I came home (without a clue as to what I was going to do) I had a conversation with my parents and my father reached out to his Realtor and asked her to give me a shot. Little did I know at the time that they had no desire to take a chance on a 22-year-old kid, as at that time the industry was made up of older people, retirees, and part-time agents. I became licensed at 22 years old and haven’t looked back since.

I have worked in residential Real Estate, Commercial Real Estate, and for 15 years I owned a Title Agency, but came back to residential sales, as that is where my heart has always been.

Flashback as a 10-year-old kid. What did you want to become?

A Nurse, as I always wanted to help people. Little did I know then that is exactly what I get to do every day, just in a different capacity.

What’s your favorite thing about living in Central Ohio?

The seasons. Ohio is beautiful all of the time! Each season brings its own beauty.

What excites you most about the Central Ohio Housing Market?

The growth and the direction we are going. It literally changes every day. It continues to grow and improve; the appreciation values are incredible, and we don’t see it slowing down. It’s a great place to invest.

Typical Day:

There is nothing typical about my days as no 2 are the same the only consistency is my mornings and evenings:

Wake up between 5 and 6 am, take care of my cats and plants, meditate and exercise, in the shower, and be ready for the day coffee in hand by 8:00 am.  My typical day morning consists of Social Media posting/film/editing, database work for my past, present, and future clients, and Client outreach or preparation work. The middle of the day varies depending on what is going on but showing homes, attending inspections, closings, walk-throughs, listing appointments, working with agents in the office, marketing, and the list goes on! My evenings usually consist of cooking dinner, volunteer work, and time with friends and family.

What sets Vutech Ruff apart from other brokerages:

The people. Our team is an amazing group of individuals who are collaborative, humble professional, and hardworking. Always willing to lend a hand to help. We also have a lot of fun together; weekly office meetings always involve a lot of laughter.  It’s amazing when you can work and laugh with the same group of people.

Special Skills and Talents:

I love to cook and bake. I’m known to bring a great from-scratch cake or throw a wonderful dinner party.

Tell us a little about your family:

I’m lucky enough to have a blended family. I have 1 amazing son and 3 stepkids and 1 daughter in law.

Although they are all grown and on their own, my favorite times are when we are together.

I have amazing parents who are in great health and that I love to spend time with and a wonderful brother and his family. Our family gatherings are some of the highlights of my life.

In the fall my brother and I go away for a week with my parents every year, just the 4 of us like when we were kids. Spouses and Kids are not invited. We head to the beach and just spend quality time with each other. This year will be our 10th anniversary trip and we cherish every moment of it. I consider my family my greatest accomplishment.

In my spare time:

I honestly don’t get a lot of spare time but (Don’t laugh)I love to clean! There is just something so satisfying about working on a great home project and completing it.

Three things I couldn’t live without would be:

My Family

My Cats

My new Jura Coffee Machine. (I’m obsessed)

Agent Spotlight: Edward Searle

Tell us a little bit about your path to becoming a realtor.  

Prior to real estate, I was a full-time dance studio owner, specializing in Irish Dancing and traveling the world conducting dance workshops. Before that, I was a dancer touring the world and worked in direct sales. I was educated at King Edward VI Grammar School for boys in Birmingham.

Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What do you want to be when you grow up? 

At 10, I really had no idea, honestly. I was just enjoying being a 10-year-old!

Why did you choose to become a realtor? 

I absolutely love property and genuinely have a passion for helping others. I believe combining the many years of experience I had in competitive dance, which had taught me great discipline and what it takes to win, along with that love I have for property, would be a great recipe for success in Real Estate.

What is your favorite thing about living in Central Ohio? 

I love that Columbus has so many charming neighborhoods. I enjoy being in easy reach of other destinations within the US. The people here are welcoming and friendly!

What excites you the most about the Central Ohio housing market? 

The absolutely fabulous and ongoing renovations of beautiful historic homes throughout Central Ohio.

Describe your typical day for us. 

My day always starts with a hearty glass of lemon water or cup of tea to kick start the day, followed by a walk around the neighborhood with my two Boson Terriers. I usually then get ready to go into the office and start tackling my to-do list which often involves checking up on things for the buyers and sellers I am working with. I typically work out early in the afternoon, 3 days per week, then have my lunch. Every day is different but from 3 pm onwards I often meet new clients, attend listing appointments, or show homes. My day ends with writing out my to-do list for the following day and a nice read of the newspapers on the phone in bed!

What sets Vutech | Ruff, Cuter Real Estate apart from other brokerages? 

We are a very down-to-earth, hard-working bunch who are consistently in the top handful of real estate teams throughout central Ohio.

What special skills or talents do you have that others may not know about? 

I am a former World Irish Dance Champion (2005) and the winner of every major Irish Dance title around the World. I have had the opportunity to travel the World in various Irish Dance productions such as Riverdance, as well as conducting dance workshops in all four corners of the globe from the age of 18. As a young instructor, I trained the first-ever female World Irish Dance Champion from Columbus and worked alongside my partner Byron to build a dance studio from, just 6 students to almost 175.

Tell us a little bit about your family. 

My mom and brother live in the UK. My partner Byron’s family are all here in Columbus.

What do you like to do in your spare time? 

Travel, volunteer in my local community, and sit on my porch!

What are three things you cannot live without? 

Dogs, pen and paper, traveling to London.

The Benefits of Working with a Real Estate Agent 

Navigating the intricate world of buying or selling a home is undoubtedly one of the most significant financial transactions individuals undertake. While the option to sell your property independently is legally viable, the current real estate landscape, even in a seller’s market, strongly advocates against it. Discover the compelling reasons why enlisting the services of a real estate agent is paramount in today’s dynamic market.  

Precision in Pricing  

While online tools can provide a glimpse of your home’s value, they often fall short in capturing the nuances required for accurate pricing. Elements such as prevailing market conditions and recent comparable sales in your vicinity play a crucial role. Setting an optimal price that ensures a swift sale while maximizing profits becomes a complex task without the expert guidance of a real estate agent.  

Showcasing Your Home’s Best  

Embarking on the journey of selling your home exposes it to meticulous scrutiny. Every image accompanying your listing should accentuate its finest attributes. This necessitates meticulous preparation, from refreshing paintwork to landscaping enhancements and even strategic staging with rented furnishings. A real estate agent becomes your advisor, suggesting ways to create a captivating first impression and appeal to potential buyers.  

Amplifying Visibility with Marketing 

Even a meticulously priced and beautifully presented home risks languishing on the market if it doesn’t attract attention. Real estate agents prove invaluable in this regard, utilizing their knowledge to strategically advertise your property, expanding your potential buyer pool, and optimizing your chances of a successful sale.  

Confident Document Execution  

The ever-expanding paperwork involved in home sales can be overwhelming for sellers. Understanding the intricate details of contracts, regulations, and mandatory disclosures is crucial to avoid legal pitfalls. With a real estate agent at your side, you gain a knowledgeable companion to guide you through the fine print, minimizing the risk of costly errors that might occur when navigating the process independently.  

Expert Negotiation Tactics  

When envisioning real estate negotiations, the common image is of an agent securing the best deal for a homebuyer. Yet, sellers benefit equally from having a skilled negotiator in their corner. Buyers aim for the most favorable terms, and their agent is committed to securing it for them. Additionally, inspections and appraisals often unearth concerns, making adept negotiation essential. Rather than facing these challenges alone, a real estate professional brings valuable expertise to the negotiating table.  

Selling a house involves numerous intricacies—avoid the solo path. At Vutech | Ruff, Cutler Real Estate, we stand ready to offer our expertise. We consistently rank among the highest-producing teams in Central Ohio. Explore our qualifications or initiate the home-selling process by reaching us at 614-897-0618 or contacting us online today. 

Agent Spotlight: Kate Giller

We are proud of the team we have built at Vutech | Ruff, Cutler Real Estate. Our team of qualified agents stands as the cornerstone of our real estate agency, bringing a wealth of experience, expertise, and dedication to guide you through your real estate journey.  

We are excited to share more about the team behind Vutech | Ruff, Cutler Real Estate. Keep reading to get to know Kate Giller. 

Tell us a little bit about your path to becoming a realtor 

After graduating from college, I returned to Columbus and worked in private banking with Bank One, now JP Morgan Chase, before deciding to stay home with my three young children.  By the time the youngest was in grade school, I knew I wanted to go back to work. I worked in a few different fields before electing to go into residential real estate.   

Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What do you want to be when you grow up? 

I truly had no idea.   I would have been inclined for a career in business. 

Why did you choose to become a realtor? 

My husband and I had renovated two homes and I loved real estate.  Our habit of renovating continues today.   

What’s your favorite thing about living in Central Ohio? 

The people and the energy.  Certainly not the weather!   

What excites you the most about the Central Ohio housing market? 

The Central Ohio housing market can be a real challenge for Buyers, and as of the past few months it is now a challenge for Sellers as well.  I have the diligence to stick with clients for years until they find the right home.   I do like data and the Central Ohio housing market is always providing interesting data because our housing demand consistently outpaces our supply.   

What sets Vutech | Ruff, Cuter Real Estate apart from other brokerages? 

Experience and Connections 

Experience – we have a team of experienced realtors always discussing new strategies.  

Connections – We are connected with other top realtors and our client base serves as a tremendous benefit to both our Sellers and our Buyers.   

What special skills or talents do you have that others may not know about? 

I don’t have any superpowers, but I am long on diligence and drive. 

Tell us a little bit about your family. 

I have three grown children.  The eldest daughter lives in Austin, Texas, my son lives in NYC and my youngest daughter is a junior in college at Boston College.   

What do you like to do in your spare time? 

I love to work out.  It actually helps keeps my mind organized.   

What are three things you can’t live without? 

A good outdoor space, some quiet in my day, and exercise 

Finding your dream home is one thing. Your dream experience is another. Contact us to discuss.  

Agent Spotlight: Greg Collins

We are proud of the team we have built at Vutech | Ruff, Cutler Real Estate. Our team is the cornerstone of our real estate agency, bringing a wealth of experience, expertise, and dedication to guide you through your journey.  

We are excited to share more about the team behind Vutech | Ruff, Cutler Real Estate. Keep reading to get to know Greg Collins.

Tell us a little bit about your path to becoming a realtor…Education background, work experience.

I earned a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from the University of Kentucky, and spent the next six years as a copywriter for various businesses and institutions such as Nationwide Insurance and Ohio Wesleyan University.

I joined the Vutech & Ruff team in 2018, originally in a logistics capacity, but have since expanded my role by becoming a licensed Realtor. I wear many hats, striving to add value with my flexibility and versatility.

Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Major League Baseball pitcher.

Why did you choose to become a realtor?

To make myself a more valuable asset to Jeff and Marilyn.

What’s your favorite thing about living in Central Ohio?

The people. I find the people of Columbus to be representative of the most reasonable sort of American. We benefit from the vast and diverse “marketplace of ideas” that exists within a city of this size that is also welded to a massive and excellent institution of higher education.

Columbus has been said to have an identity crisis ever since it became the capital in 1816. After having lived here for so many years, I believe that perception is due in large part to the attitude of its population; we’re balanced and measured rather than extreme. We’re proud but not self-aggrandizing. So, crafting a certain identity the rest of the state or country can use to more easily understand us simply isn’t a priority. People in Columbus tend to know how good they have it and that’s infectious.

What excites you the most about the Central Ohio housing market?

Growth is limitless, and so the opportunities are too. The presence of Ohio State means we will always be young. The recent investment our state (and country) has made in making Ohio a crucial global producer will mean there will be plenty of runway for that youth to grow and prosper. There are obstacles, but I’m excited by the rock-solid foundation and the potential.

Describe your typical day for us.

Typically, I drive around the city installing signs and lockboxes, collecting, and delivering checks, solving problems with our team’s various listings, and showing homes to Jeff’s and Marilyn’s clients when they would otherwise be double-booked. Days get very busy when I have all that to do in addition to serving my own clients.

What sets Vutech | Ruff, Cuter Real Estate apart from other brokerages?

I’ve not experienced any other teams, but I can’t imagine there are many made up of such skilled high producers who are all devoted to doing the right thing by their clients, teammates, and the public. The amount of attention and resources paid to various forms of philanthropy is especially inspiring.

What special skills or talents do you have that others may not know about?

I don’t always find enough time for it, but I enjoy storytelling in all its forms especially filmmaking. I’ve done a fair amount of screenwriting and acting ever since I was a kid, and I’ll always love that thrill of storytelling.

Tell us a little bit about your family.

Education is of great importance to my parents. Between the two of them they’ve become a valedictorian, graduated from the oldest and most prestigious high school in the country, and earned four college degrees including a Master’s degree from Harvard Business School.

Although my siblings and I didn’t live up to those achievements, our family remains very close because the one thing my parents valued more than academic success was instilling an unwavering commitment to kindness, empathy, and justice, and I feel we’re all bound by that foundation for how to live.

My sister is a published poet, an animal cruelty investigator, and a mother of two girls. My brother is a recent and decorated graduate of the police academy. I’m very proud of them both. My mother, Mary Collins is a private writing teacher, as well as an English professor at Columbus State University. My father, Neil Collins runs a business incubator called Innovate New Albany and teaches marketing at Dennison University.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

In my spare time I enjoy my fiancé and watching sports (like all the sports).

What are three things you can’t live without?

My fiancé, my family, and the works of my heroes, especially Vonnegut, Orwell, Hesse, Kubrick, and Paul Thomas Anderson.

Finding your dream home is one thing. Your dream experience is another. Contact us to discuss.