Tell Us a little bit about your path to becoming a Realtor:

My parents moved to Ohio when I was a senior in high school. When they were on their house hunting trip I came along and as upset as I was about moving, leaving my friends, etc. That trip stayed with me. I was fascinated with the agent and the process of looking at homes as I had never moved before. I went off to college and after I came home (without a clue as to what I was going to do) I had a conversation with my parents and my father reached out to his Realtor and asked her to give me a shot. Little did I know at the time that they had no desire to take a chance on a 22-year-old kid, as at that time the industry was made up of older people, retirees, and part-time agents. I became licensed at 22 years old and haven’t looked back since.

I have worked in residential Real Estate, Commercial Real Estate, and for 15 years I owned a Title Agency, but came back to residential sales, as that is where my heart has always been.

Flashback as a 10-year-old kid. What did you want to become?

A Nurse, as I always wanted to help people. Little did I know then that is exactly what I get to do every day, just in a different capacity.

What’s your favorite thing about living in Central Ohio?

The seasons. Ohio is beautiful all of the time! Each season brings its own beauty.

What excites you most about the Central Ohio Housing Market?

The growth and the direction we are going. It literally changes every day. It continues to grow and improve; the appreciation values are incredible, and we don’t see it slowing down. It’s a great place to invest.

Typical Day:

There is nothing typical about my days as no 2 are the same the only consistency is my mornings and evenings:

Wake up between 5 and 6 am, take care of my cats and plants, meditate and exercise, in the shower, and be ready for the day coffee in hand by 8:00 am.  My typical day morning consists of Social Media posting/film/editing, database work for my past, present, and future clients, and Client outreach or preparation work. The middle of the day varies depending on what is going on but showing homes, attending inspections, closings, walk-throughs, listing appointments, working with agents in the office, marketing, and the list goes on! My evenings usually consist of cooking dinner, volunteer work, and time with friends and family.

What sets Vutech Ruff apart from other brokerages:

The people. Our team is an amazing group of individuals who are collaborative, humble professional, and hardworking. Always willing to lend a hand to help. We also have a lot of fun together; weekly office meetings always involve a lot of laughter.  It’s amazing when you can work and laugh with the same group of people.

Special Skills and Talents:

I love to cook and bake. I’m known to bring a great from-scratch cake or throw a wonderful dinner party.

Tell us a little about your family:

I’m lucky enough to have a blended family. I have 1 amazing son and 3 stepkids and 1 daughter in law.

Although they are all grown and on their own, my favorite times are when we are together.

I have amazing parents who are in great health and that I love to spend time with and a wonderful brother and his family. Our family gatherings are some of the highlights of my life.

In the fall my brother and I go away for a week with my parents every year, just the 4 of us like when we were kids. Spouses and Kids are not invited. We head to the beach and just spend quality time with each other. This year will be our 10th anniversary trip and we cherish every moment of it. I consider my family my greatest accomplishment.

In my spare time:

I honestly don’t get a lot of spare time but (Don’t laugh)I love to clean! There is just something so satisfying about working on a great home project and completing it.

Three things I couldn’t live without would be:

My Family

My Cats

My new Jura Coffee Machine. (I’m obsessed)